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glycolic exfoliation involves the wonders of glycolic acid in a gel or cream for removing the dead skin cells from hands and feet 

paraffin wax treatment involves dipping your hands and feet in a solution of warm paraffin wax and then in plastic bags and then in gloves. These special treatments leave the skin of your hands and feet feeling and appearing smooth and clear. 


the nail tips are sometimes rounded and are painted more off white colors. 


a polish in a clear white or pale pink over the entire finger nail and toe nail and followed by while nail polish on the tips of the nails.  

Stone Manicure and Pedicure Treatment:

at the end of the treatment in Stone Manicure and Pedicure Treatment, the manicurist or pedicurist places a heated stone on your hands and feet for providing you the best relief from the overworked or stressed hands and feet. 

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